SanketAndStrings wrong answer

2 testcases wrong out of 3.

Hey @vivek21,

This approach will give you WA for sure, as you may miss certain test cases.
A better approach would be:

Take l and r to mark left and right index of the string under inspection. Start from l=0, r=0, count=0, max = -1.

Start with r<length of string. Increment the count whenever you find a different character than the one you are using to build a string (example: if we are forming a string of an only, then b is a different char).

While count is greater than k, decrement the count by one if the element at i index is different.

Increment i.

Then, compare max with count for maximum value.

And finally, increment r.

For a string “aabbabaa” with k=2, what should be correct answer, 5 or 7?

Hi @vivek21,
The answer should be 5 in that case.

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