Robot and paths Codechef question

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Here is my code for the function

int f(int a[][100],int r,int c)
if(r==0 && c==0)
return 1;

if(a[r-1][c]==-1 && c==0)
    return 0;

if(a[r][c-1]==-1 && r==0)
    return 0;

if(a[r-1][c]==-1 &&  a[r][c-1]==-1)
    return 0;

if(a[r-1][c]==-1 || r==0)
    return f(a,r,c-1);

if(a[r][c-1]==-1 || c==0)
    return f(a,r-1,c);

return f(a,r-1,c)+f(a,r,c-1);


// -1 represents a blocked cell

I am getting slightly different answer in all test cases. Please tell the error.

Use dp . And take mod with 1e9+7 also.
No need to check for the previous cell , just leave it for recursive call
Check this code