Reversal of a binary number using bit hacks

Can someone please explain how the binary number is being reversed.

unsigned rev = 0;
unsigned k = n;

while (k)
// add rightmost bit to rev 
	rev = (rev << 1) | (k & 1);
	k = k >> 1;		// drop last bit
            cout<<"k val is "<<bitset<8>(k)<<endl;
	cout<<"rev val is "<<{bitset<8>(rev)<<endl;

Output if n=9

k val is 00000100

rev val is 00000001

k val is 00000010

rev val is 00000010

k val is 00000001

rev val is 00000100

k val is 00000000

rev val is 00001001

9 is Palindrome

I was referring question 2 from here:

As far as I know, only first expression is executed if it is true for “|” condition statement. So, here rev<<1 will be false only for first execution of loop but not for rest. Therefore how does rev get 1 in the end for last condition because (k&1) won’t be executed. Only left shift will be executed right?

I got it. I was treating “|” as logical or instead of bitwise or.
Also, can anyone tell how to delete a doubt. :man_facepalming:

No need to delete it. It may help someone in future.