Regarding graphs?

well i have completed the task but i am not able to plot the graph … please help me in doing so and we have to submit only csv file?? how you are then going to check our graphs and accuracy??

please tell me one more thing that on my testing set i am able to get the accuracy of 80% but some people manage to get the accuracy of 100% can you please tell how is this possible i am also willing to see there solutions how they managed to get the accuracy of 100%

Hello @kushal1998,

You only have to submit csv file for the challenge. Also, kindly be more specific about what you are trying to plot.

About the 100% accuracy. They are the scores of the moderators, they are only to check whether the system is working properly or not, its the score at the testing time. They will be removed once the system gets refreshed.

Thanks :slight_smile: