Regarding getboardpath

Mam/Sir can you tell me how many times does this for loop excecute for all the path
from 1 to 10:

import java.util.*;
class getboardpath {

public static void main(String[] args) {
	// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public static ArrayList getboardpath(int curr,int end){
if(curr==end) {
ArrayList pos=new ArrayList();
pos.add(" ");
return pos;

if(curr>end) {
	ArrayList<String> pos=new ArrayList<String>();
	//negative.add();/ /return null
	return pos;

ArrayList<String> mr=new ArrayList<>();

for(int dice=1;dice<=6;dice++) {

ArrayList<String> rr=getboardpath(curr+dice, end);

  for(String a:rr) {
return mr;


whenever we reach a particular cell(new function frame) this for loop executes 6 times

Sir there is case of 1 to 10 so if it will execute only 6 times than it will not satisfy the 111111111 case.
I think you did not understand what I want to ask…

so when you are at block 1 dice shows 1…you reach two then again 1 comes and so on…in each block the for loop will execute 6 times calling 6 other blocks…try to draw the rec tree diag for better clearity