Recursion-All Subsequences

I am not able to figure out my mistake, the test case is failing!

This is the link to my code-

u can directly use the Collections.sort(answer);
to sort the string

you will later learn a better way to sort laxographically

Yeah well it worked now, thanks for that. I still have the question that why didn’t it work with my sorting code even though I was getting correct answer with it.

String[] s={“dek”,“dep”,“d”,“dekk”,“deep”,“de”,“ced”}; //

for(int i=0;i<s.length-1;i++){ ///BUBBLE SORT
for(int j=0;j<s.length-1-i;j++){

	if(s[j].compareTo(s[j+1])>0){  //if s[j]> s[j+1] then it gives +ve integer
		String t=s[j];             //if s[j]<s[j+1] == gives -ve value
		s[j]=s[j+1];               // s[j]==s[j+1]== give 0


bro this is the simplest way to sort the str laxog.

Yeah I got it. Thanks sir.