Question description

  1. How to know if a vertex is a parent or children?
  2. In the given sample input is 2 a beautiful vertex ?Because it has 2 neighbours while its neighbours - 1, 3 & 4 have only one neighbours each ?
  1. You are given that the vertex with lowest value is the master (root) node, similarly highest value vertex would be a leaf. The graph is spread from low values to high.
  2. 2 is a beautiful vertex bcoz it has 3 and 4 as its children while only 1 parent i.e. 1.

Sir why 1 is not a beautiful vertex as it has no parent and 1 children i.e. 2 ?

1 is the root node. It will always be a beautiful vertex according to the conditions. Thats why we dont count it one

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