Prime visits Problem

    import java.util.*;
    public class Main {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            Scanner cin = new Scanner(;
            int noOfCountries = cin.nextInt();
    			long firstCountry = cin.nextLong();
    			long secondCountry = cin.nextLong();
    			int primeCountries=0;
    			for(long i=firstCountry;i<=secondCountry;i++){
    	public static boolean isPrime(long country){
            if(country<=1)return false;
    		if( country == 2 || country == 3) return true;
    		if( country %2 ==0 || country %3 == 0)return false;
    		for(long i=3;i<Math.sqrt(country);i++){
    				return false;
    		return true;

I don’t know why but my code fails for test case 2 and 3.

I know this has to be solved using sieve of eratosthenes but I just wanted to know the above code is falling.