There are output dissimilarities with local g++ mingw compiler( i m using version 8.1.0) and Codeblocks (Codechef IDE as well ).
By output dissimilarity, I am not referring to address value… that is obvious to change, but the output of &c is different.
Above, I have shown the output on my local machine and on online IDE
Also one of the most important differences that I have seen is that while using the online IDE, the default value of int is 0, float is also 0, char is ‘/0’ and bool is false.
While I use the same code on g++ compiler ( v 8.1 )… it gives me garbage values for integers, floats … but ‘/0’ for char and 0 for bool.
Here is the output in online IDE…same as in other IDE’s (codechef, ,etc. )