Not understand the problem

in this problem i am not able to understand why the number 9 is not shown in output.

herese my code:
t = int(input())
for i in range(t):
m,n = [int(m) for m in input().split()]
for y in range(m,n+1):
if((y%2!=0 or y==2)and y!=1):
print(y,end=" “)
print(” ")
i hope i am not able to understand why 9 is not printed and that is why my testcases are not passed.

hi kushal;
in problem prime generator u have to first take k test cases form user ;
after that we have to generate all primes fom m to n inxlusively ;

9=3*3 is not a prime number so it should not be printed in the output.

Kushal your logic is not generating prime numbers try a different approach. like Sieve of Eratosthenes .
Happy Coding

t = int(input()) for i in range(t): m,n = [int(m) for m in input().split()] for y in range(m,n+1): if(y>1): for z in range(2,y): if(y%z==0): break else: print(y,end=" “) print(” ")