Not geting the question completely

may you please explain the question completely . with an example which is easy to understand

You are given a String s,which will only contain all opening or all closing brackets.
e.g, s=((( contains only opening and s=)))) contains only closing.
You have to form a+s+b,
where a,b=any string chosen by you and s is the given string.

BUT,the String a and b must be chosen such that String a+s+b,follows 3 properties.
i) At any index, number of opening brackets should be greater than closing brackets.
ii) No. of opening and closing brackets should be equal.
iii)Must have length n.

Now consider the given Sample Input.
4 2
here n=4,String length=2 and String s="((".
There is only one possible way to form a+s+b, with above three properties.
i.e. Consider a="",b="))"
a+s+b equals= “”+ “((” +"))" =>"(())".
The new string “(())” have above three properties.
Hence Output 1,as there is only a single way.