Not able to submit properly

Whenever I am clicking on Submit Code button, it shows Executing Code.
After that no result is seen like test cases passed or success or anything.
And , also that submission is not showing in my submissions.When I reopen the problem after few seconds, then the submissions are shown in My Submissions section.
Kindly, check for the issue because the result of code submission is very important.

Hey Anuj, is it working fine on coding blocks ide?? because most probably your code is getting stuck in an infinite loop.

Yes, sir my code is working fine everywhere.
I tried it on CB IDE.It’s working fine there also.

I am solving another problem.
I submitted code for that problem also, but it didn’t show any result after execution.
I have to open the problem again, then under my submissions section it is showing test cases failed.
Isn’t it supposed to tell the error message after executing the code?

It generally happens in case of infinite loops as the program keeps compiler busy and doesn’t throw any error. Can you share the ide link of your code.

Try to hard refresh the page or try in some other browser or going incognito.
If none of these help, write a mail to [email protected]