Normalisation while visualisation

In Video, It has been explained that normailsation means making mean=0 and standard deviation =1 through which i understood that most of the data will come around origin but I couldnt understand what happens when we make standard deviation 1 ?? how does it affects ??

Hello Shalini,
What really happens when we normalise a data is that the mean becomes zero and the standard deviation becomes one, i.e., our entire data (which we normalised) squishes into this small range from -1 to +1.
Mean and Standard Deviation both play a vital role to make this happen. The mean makes the data to be centered about zero while the standard deviation ensures that no point exceeds -1 or +1 in any way. That is, standard deviation refers to the maximum deviation of a point from the mean.


This picture should help you understand the role of standard deviation better.

I hope you understand it now