'no-output' in all Test Cases

My code seems to be working fine on jupyter notebook, and I also think that I’ve covered all the cases (one with an entire list of positive sum, one with a list with a negative integer as the first element, and one with a list of random integers) but I am still getting ‘no-output’ for all the TESTCASES when submitted. Sample test case and some test cases taken by me are running perfectly. Can someone please help me out ?

l = [ int(num) for num in input().split()]

for i in range(len(l)) :
if(sum(l[0:i+1])<0) : #To check at which index sum of the list becomes negative
break #we break the loop

if i==0 : #if the first index is negative, then nothing should be printed
elif i==(len(l)-1) : #if the list is successfully traversed, the entire list should be printed
for j in range(len(l)) :
else :
for j in range(i) : #otherwise, all elements from 0th to ith index should be printed