My code is givi9ng correct outpiut on the compiler but it is not submitting

the code I have written is correct and is giving correct output I have also downloaded the test cases and they are righyt.But still while submitting the code compiler is showing test cases failed.My code is slightly different than your editorial but still is giving the right output.Tell me where to share my code and what is the error

hi @shulin please save your code on online ide and send me its link … so that i can check where the problem is .

I m sharing the code to the question hollow diamond pattern.I have also inserted tab space as suggesterd by one of the answers.But still error is not resolved.Please check the code

This is the code to Hollow Diamond pattern 6 please check it its giving correct output @mavisupreet5

hi again ! The code you sent is fine for hollow diamond but here the question is different and there will be different code to it . Why don’t you send that code and I’ll check that up for you.
Moreover when you write code just see the input rules carefully . You cannot ask or print anything which is not mentioned in input. For example here your code asks for the number of lines . That should not happen.