Multivariate regression

Not able to implement air quality multivariable regression from scratch. Help me or share the code

can see code for multivariate regression from the net it’s same for all problems .

see this link it is very well explained.

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np.power(((X @ theta.T)-y),2)

What does [email protected] do?

its like writing ((x*theta)-y)^2 i.e error (ypred-ytrue)^2

What @ do? Is it multiply sign? I couldn’t find this on internet?

I also have never used this symbol before but I think u can replace that statement with the one I have given in reply above

@Anshuman-Anshuman-89 Although this could have done using for loops, but I will be cover broadcasting soon, which will help you to understand vectorization better.
We will discuss the solutions next week.