Modulo properties

sir i understood the properties of modulo,but i am unable to apply them in questions.i am unable to understand when we have to apply modulo in subparts of a problem so that answer remains same.

please go through this video lecture once
It is a very good and easy problem of Mod property.

sir i have gone through it but unable to understand how modulo worked and produced the same result.

What is modulo?
what is 10%5?
what is 4%3 ?
what is 6%7 ?

Please take pen and paper and calculate the answers and tell me


i am unable to understand how to take stepwise mod,

thats how it works.
I am not able to know what is not clear to you.
In some questions, its like you will get it that taking Remainder will help. There you go with mod.
In some questions, to avoid a number from overflowing, you take mod.Since taking a number with mod m leaves answer from range 0 to m-1.
Thats how it works

in the fast modulo exponentiation lecture

in the fast modulo exponentiation lecture ,inside while loop sir has taken mod at two places to prevent overflow. can you explain how it works and how the final answer is also correct as it would have been if we would have not taken mod.

First of all, read all 4-5 properties of mod. There is just basic use of the properties. There’s nothing you wont get after studying the properties.

is there any other way to communicate with you i am unable to tell you what exactly is my doubt.

We can do a personal chat on this platform. There shall be an inbox option or something like that

how can i do that…??

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