Memory Error when executing large dataset

Okay, so i was trying my hands on the movie sentiment analysis assignment. Now, this is typically a large dataset(may be) with 40k rows. so when i run a cleaning function on it using nltk pipelines, it works fine. but as soon as i count vectorizer method to transform it in an array, i get memory error(happens sometimes, not everytime). So, is it some hardware issue? I have got 8 gb of RAM and have used this on fairly large dataset but this has never happened.
Any suggestion on what the problem is and how can i resolve this issue?

For large datasets we typically create Pipelines, that load small chunks of data into memory, transform them into vectors and feed into network.
At any point of time, only 2 batches of data persist in memory. One is the current batch, and next batch(optional but recommended) to be fed to the network.
I have covered one example in Image Pipelines.