Mathematics- NK Ladder

In NK Ladder Problem, where we need to find no of ways to get to nth step by taking 1,2,…k steps.
In Simple Recursion- Recursive case = return F(n-1) + F(n-2) + … + F(n-k) having Base Case- if(n < 0) return 0 and if(n == 0) return 1.

This worked fine, but in video, prateek bhaiya told about more efficient way in which linear recurrence function is reduced to- F(n) = 2*F(n-1) + F(n-(k+1)). But, when implemented using Recursion, it’ll not give right ans. How to use this function for efficient code???

Hi Shashank Sinha, Mention Problem name and link .

Like this, except going just for 3, it can go from 1,2…k steps.

Hey Shashank.
This question can be solved by many ways.For your exact query about Above given equation .Can u mention video link and time stamp.
As I can’t figure out the reason by just Seeing equation.

I can tell u other ways to solve this problem.

  1. Dynamic Programming
  2. Matrix Exponentiation

at 13:50

@sanjeetboora Can u pls rectify this as we don’t have access to online material .

What you have taken for initial entry b={1,1,2}?
Can you please look into my code why I’m getting the wrong answer?