Mapped string problem
i am not able to understand sample input output if i map every combination of input than output will be diffrent

Hey Anshu, in mapped strings problem, it is given that there is a map which stores numbers from 1 to 26 which are correspondingly mapped from A to Z.
1 -> A
2 -> B
3 -> C
25 -> Y
26 -> Z

Now you have to print all the possible strings which we can form from given input number.
For eg.
input : 123
Now, the different ways in which we can divide string 123 are:
1-2-3 => A-B-C
1-23 => A-W
12-3 => L-C

I hope it helps you :slight_smile:

yep thanks :relaxed:

Why is the output not being printed
I have even tried passing the vector as an argument 1

The question is ----
We are given a hashmap which maps all the letters with number. Given 1 is mapped with A, 2 is mapped with B……26 is mapped with Z. Given a number, you have to print all the possible strings.

Input Format:
A single line contains a number.

Number is less than 10^6

Output Format
Print all the possible strings in sorted order in different lines.

Sample Input
Sample Output