Low Accuracy in Snapchat Filter Challenge

I am not able to submit my pred.csv, I’ve checked the format, its exactly the same as submission file and no. of rows. the file contains float values b/w 0 - 1 in 3 columns

This is my final image, and array of float values, I’ve flatten them and saved in pred.csv, Still cant submit

Submit button is now working, but the accuracy i m getting is 7% ,
my output image is correct i guess, but still no improvement in accuracy, i tried to submit values in 0-255 range as well

@rachitbansal2500 @Manu-Pillai-1566551720093198
Please help

Are you submitting in the RGB format or BGR?

I am submitting in RGB format. My Output image is very similar to the desired output image

This is the code

Hello @mohituniyal2010,
The portal is updated. Kindly resubmit :smiley: