Look at the code my multivariate regession code

heta will be np.array([theta0,theta1,…,thetaN])
def hypothesis(X,theta):

returning h(Xi) for each sample (Xi) hence returning an array of size X.shape[0]

return np.sum(X*theta[1:], axis=1) + theta[0]

def gradient(X,Y,theta):
grad = np.zeros(X.shape[1]+1) # n-featured data have (n+1) parameters.
hx = hypothesis(X,theta)
grad[0] = np.sum((hx-Y))
for i in range(1,len(grad)) :

d(cost) / d(theta[i]) = sum((hx-y)x[i])

grad[i] = np.sum((hx-Y)(X[:,i-1]))
return grad

def error(X,Y,theta):
hx = hypothesis(X,theta)
return np.sum((hx-Y)**2)

def gradientDescent_multivariate(X,Y,learning_rate=0.01):
theta = np.zeros(X.shape[1]+1)
grad = gradient(X,Y,theta)

error_list = []
err = error(X,Y,theta)

while True:
theta = theta - learning_rate * grad
err = error(X,Y,theta)
temp = abs(err - error_list[-1])
if temp < 0.00001:

return theta
my doubt is :- when i am pritning err it is increasing instead of decreasing hence my algo is not going to converge , i did everything right , i think so can u have a look ,

done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku done thanku

Send me your whole .ipynb to - [email protected]

it is solved yash bhaiya helped thanks