Kth root of a number

Here’s my code:
`//kth root

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;
typedef long long unsigned llu;
// method returns Nth power of A
double nthRoot(llu A, int N)
// intially guessing a random number between
// 0 and 9
double xPre = rand() % 10;

//  smaller eps, denotes more accuracy
double eps = 1e-8;

// initializing difference between two
// roots by INT_MAX
double delX = INT_MAX;

//  xK denotes current value of x
double xK;

//  loop untill we reach desired accuracy
while (delX > eps)
    //  calculating current value from previous
    // value by newton's method
    xK = ((N - 1.0) * xPre +
          (double)A/pow(xPre, N-1)) / (double)N;
    delX = abs(xK - xPre);
    xPre = xK;

return xK;


int main() {
int t=0;
for(int i=0;i<t;i++){
llu n=0;
int k=0;
if(k == 0) {cout<<1<<endl;continue;}
Two of the test cases are passing however, one of them is failing. Has anybody else tried that problem in practice section > binary search > kth root of a number ?

here’s my binary search based code for finding Kth root of N

using namespace std;

long long power(long long X,long long N)
return 1;
return power(XX,N/2);
return X
long long search(long long N,int K,long long start,long long end)
return -1;
long long mid=(start+end)/2;
long long p=power(mid/1000000000,K); ///checking whether mid^K==N or mid is Kth root of N
return mid;
else if(p<N)
return search(N,K,mid+1,end);
return search(N,K,start,mid-1);
int main() {
// your code goes here
long long K,N;
long long ans=search(N,K,0,N*1000000000);
return 0;

can you save your code in codeblocks ide cuz it’s giving errors in long long power(long long X,long long N) function


but this hives wrong answer on submission.

give me the problem link so that i can try…



here’s my solution to this.
Complexity: O(TKlogN)
Approach: Binary search.
Basically i searched for X satisfying X^K<=N in range 0 to sqrt(N) and handled the case of K=1 separately.


you can also do this by simply making use of inbuilt power function.

why we are using long double instead of long long in 12th line?