KNN algo matplotlib

When I am executing this, it’s showing error and when I am using color argument it is coloring both with same color. How do I distinguish two classes?

first of all its a single scatter plot and ti will only represent one class to plot the other class u will have to do it like this:
rom matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Then how did it worked in Sir’s code?


This one’s not working, please look at sir’s knn algo code and then tell me

@Anshuman-Anshuman-89 the color argument c can take two types of values
Either it can be string like “green”, “red” or it can be a sequence.

in My case it is sequence Y = [0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,…] is sequence of lables for all data points. Plot function automatically allots one color correponding to the label value.

@yash97your code is not correct assuming X is the training matrix with features x1 and x2.

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