Invalid syntax error while using ? operator

I ran the following code. I wanted to know what’s the mistake?
Compiling the code gives us an invalid syntax error (referring to Dog? ) Can you explain me why?
class Dog():
def init(self,breed):
“”“It is a kutta”""



class Dog():
   def __init__(self,breed):

d1 = Dog("GS")

try using this

As taught in the video it shows the text enclosed in the “”" “”" should be printed when we run print(Dog?) . (As the function of the text enclosed in “”" “”" is to give information about the class if the user wants to know what the class is all about by using dog?)But instead in my case it shows error. So, I just wanted to know whats the correct way to add it so that the user can know about the class if he wants to know?

Hi @Aaket-Chaurasia-333493977548290
Have u corrected the init mistake and then declaring function information