Intersection point of two linked listd

Please tell how we have to take the input of the two liked lists if there exists an intersection point in the problem

Hello kriti,
basically you will be given two linear linked list and you need to detect a node after which both linked list point to same memeory location.i hope this helps.
example ;
list one address 100->200->300->400->500
data 1 2 3 4 5

list two address 700->800->300->400->500
data 9 7 3 4 5

list one and two will intersect at node with address 300

can u please explain it with code example as I am not able to understand that how we can take input of the lists containing intersection from user.

@krikhi intersection of lists has nothing to do with reading . read it like you are given two different lists.
u can take help from this code -

got it ! thanks a lot