Inbuilt SORT function

Sir, is it a good practice to use inbuilt sort function or write sort algorithm?

Hello @Kinjal

You need to first understand and have a good command on some sorting algorithms including bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, quick sort. Once you feel that you are good at these you can start using the inbuilt sorting method.

Let me know if you still need any help.

No. I got that. I have prior knowledge about all the sorting algorithms. Just need to know on the perspective of abstract and clean coding, is it a good practice to use inbuilt sort function from start!!!
I’m a newbie so to ask that.

Hello @Kinjal

It is good that you have prior knowledge of all sorting algorithms but you should also be good at implementing them. If you are good at their implementation too you can start using the inbuilt sorting method.
Let me know if you still need any help.

That’s all. Thank you.