I have not understood the meaning of the input format correcty

First line contains a single integer N. Next N lines contains N integers each, where jth integer int ith line denotes the value at ith row and jth column in sudoku grid. This value is 0, if the cell is empty.

So if you are familiar with a sudoku puzzle, you know that it is a 9x9 grid. The input format is basically saying that you will be given N first, which will always be 9. Then i will represent rows and j represents columns. So, jth value in ith line means the arr[i][j] value. So you will be given a matrix where i=9 and j=9 and you have to simply take input like you take input for any 2D array or matrix.

If the value of a cell is 0, it means that that cell is not filled and you have to find its value. If there is a non-zero value at a cell, it means that that cell’s value is already given to you, just like in any sudoku puzzle, some values are given for you to start solving.