here i m using ‘isfull’ function in enque in the class queue…line no-13. The program works fine …but my doudt is that how come it work if the function i m using is below it…for example
in this program we have to separately declare the function ‘say’ at the top, otherwise the function will not work

Actually when programs runs it starts reading from top and ends at main function . if you dont declarre “say” at the top then system dont know what is “say” function which you are using in main function . and gave you compilation error.
For ur code , actually its empty .nothing is there in ur given ide

Sir…can u elaborate it more …pls

Provide ur code . its empty that u have given here

sir…pls look into the code…line no. 13 …it is using a function which is below it . so my doudt is that why this code works fine .In contrast i showed you an example where we have to declare functions at the top

This function is a property of class , so we can’t declare it outside the class

right…but i was thinking that compiler reads it from top to bottom then how will it recognize the function which has been declared below …i mean how is it working ??

sir …pls reply i m very confused