Getting very less accuracy

I used the KNN algorithm written by Prateek Sir in the tutorial. I am getting 73% accuracy only. And also I am a problem to understand exactly what and how I should plot the bar graph?
I am unable to properly write the columns data to the CSV files. I am having to change the column headings manually in the files.
I am also giving the code of the algorithm below:

hi sagnik
use csv library writerow to add column of your desire in csv file
to plot bar graph u have to pick u any feature like “BloodPressure” on y axsis and on x axsis your clusters generated by KNN

Ok, and how can I use the accuracy of the model?

*How can I increase the accuracy of the model?

try using DecisionTreeClassifier or RandomForestClassifier in the begining
u can reach about 80% accuracy by tunning it