I implemented the question using recursion. I am not able to implement DP or memoization
Here is the link to my code https://ide.codingblocks.com/s/140354
Getting TLE on this question
//op[ind] = β1β;
alt = !alt;
//cout << alt << endl;
//op[ind] = β0β;
alt = !alt;
is this correct?
I think if statement does not make any difference
To convert it into DP
Look at the states you are using in the recursive function and make a DP state for each variable.
Try to do this.
( this should be your approach always to convert any recursive code into dp)
try this.
let me know further
Hit like if you get it.
I implemented this problem using DP
I am now getting runtime error
also I am not getting any answer on input 90 on the judge but I am getting answer on my local compiler
Do let me know where I am getting wrongβ¦
Here is my code https://ide.codingblocks.com/s/140502
try to write this in c++ ?
ans[1][1] should be 0
I implemented the logic in C++
All test cases passed
The Mathematical logic is clear,
But I am not getting it intuitively as I am not done with DP lectures and am a Beginner to DP
Please help me to understand the approach to DP.
The link to my code https://ide.codingblocks.com/s/140613