Function demo related problem

My debug screen is not coming , what should I do ?

Hi Mansi

Are you talking about the debug screen in the eclipse?

yes, i am talking about the debug screen.

yes ,i am talking about the debug screen.

Hi Mansi
You can view the debug screen by Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Debug.

Mam ,I have to use database debug or debug after the open perspective?

Hi Mansi

You need to use Debug.

mam , i have used debug but the debug screen is not coming?

Hi Mansi

There is an icon at the top right corner with a small bug like thing on it. You can use it too to get to the debug screen.

when i am running the debug it is only showing the console?

Hi Mansi

Let’s connect on Team Viewer. Install it in your computer if you don’t have it and let me know Id and password.

team viewer Id: 1 263 807 340 and password: 63ge7k

Hi Mansi

Ping me on 8860986779. We’ll coordinate a time to connect on Team Viewer.

Resolved the doubt on team viewer.