Formula for Receptive Field

For an input image, the receptive field is 3x3 for next conv layer, and for next its 5x5. and for third conv layer receptive field is 7x7. this is the case when kernel_size is 3x3 stride =1, padding =0
can you give a general formula to find receptive field for a particular conv layer, having stride s, and padding p.
Thank you

No, this formula will give the size of convovled layer,
but i am asking, if we are applying 5 convolution layer, kernel_size = (4,4) each with stride 2 and padding (2,2) then what would be the receptive field for 1 pixel after all these layers. means how much part of the original image, that one pixel would be able to see.

Oh, I misunderstood that question :sweat_smile:
This link here has explained the same very well.

Happy Learning :slight_smile:

okay, I will read the blog. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the link

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