…time limit exceding…how to further optimize code??
Fast fibonacci time ;imit
You shall return T[0][0]+T[0][1] as answer, also to avoid TLE, for taking power, use fast exponentiation.…still not working…i’ve used matrix exponentiation,nd returned t[0][0]+t[0][1]
Please have a look at this Hint Video for Fast Fibonacci.
hi sir…i got my mistake…,in code: , in line 20, i was writing else return mult(pow(A,p/2),pow(A,p/2)); , instead of this i should have written vector<vectorB=pow(A,p/2); return mult(B,B); after writing this,my code is working correct…this is because function was called twice,hence tle was coming for 10^9th term,thxx for your support