Farm of Jenkins - multiple Jenkins Masters

Hi all, I have a few instances of Jenkins. Each Jenkins has its own configuration, nodes etc. There are also proper aliases for them:

jenkins.domain.tld - “main” Jenkins
name1.jenkins.domain.tld - another instance

nameN.jenkins.domain.tld - last instance
One of them works as playground for the main Jenkins - but it’s not important.

Is there a way or best practice how to keep and manage many instance of Jenkins? On different host. I don’t need share nodes, I know there is gearman tool for this purpose.

At now I’m not 100% sure how it should look. Simple page witch all of instances, to easily switch between them, which run Jenkins web interface in frame. An JS userscript for *.jenkins.domain.tld.

I’m back

I’m currently using Simple Theme Plugin and I’ve added some JS:

jQuery(function($) {
var currentUrl = window.location.pathname;
var switchTool = ‘

‘Switch Jenkins to’+
var switchContainer = $(’#side-panel :first’).addClass(‘switch-container’);
setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById(“switch-jenkins”).style.display=“block”;},200);

Hey, I guess you have posted your problem in wrong category. This one is for Algo and DS questions in c++.