Doubt while fitting Kmeans object

Why did prateek bhaiya used y values in,y)
using y values in fit() will make it a supervised learning, and i guess the whole purpose is gone,
beacuse in clustering we dont have class labels (y) , and considering only X features, our algo try to finds the similiar points and group them together,

And when, y values are already provided, its just a normal classifier. then No use of kmeans…

Because this dataset was self generated so we had y labels. but in real world challenge, we wont have y labels for dataset.
So, Would not it be just :

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Hello Mohit, accepts only X as a parameter and when Y is passed, it automatically ignores it (as specified in the documentation So, even if we only pass X as a parameter here, the results won’t get effected.
Great job on noticing that though.

I hope I resolved your query.

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