Doubt related binary tree

In construction of binary tree it is giving null pointer Exception. how to solve it?

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package generictree; import java.util.Scanner; public class binarytree { class Node { int data; Node left; Node right; Node(int data,Node left,Node right) {; this.left=left; this.right=right; } } private Node root=null; private int size=0; binarytree() { Scanner s = new Scanner(; Node root = takeinput(s,null,false); } private Node takeinput(Scanner s,Node parent,boolean isleftorright ) {if(parent==null) { System.out.println(“enter the data for root node”); }else { if(isleftorright) { System.out.println(“enter the data for left child”; } else { System.out.println(“enter the data for right child”; } } int nodedata=s.nextInt(); Node node =new Node(nodedata,null,null); this.size++; boolean choice=false; System.out.println(“do you have left child of”; choice=s.nextBoolean(); if(choice) { node.left=takeinput(s,node,true); } choice = false; System.out.println(“do you have right child of”; choice=s.nextBoolean(); if(choice) { node.right=takeinput(s,node,false); } return node; } public void display() { this.display(this.root); } private void display(Node node) { String str=""; if(node.left!=null) {"=>"; } else { str=str+“END=>”; }; if(node.right!=null) { str=str+"<="; } else { str=str+"<=END"; } System.out.println(str); if(node.left!=null) { this.display(node.left); } if(node.right!=null) { this.display(node.right); } } }

save your code on as it is very hard to difficult this above unformatted code

I have saved the code on ide

in line no 21 of your first link dont write Node root=takeInput(…)(it is creating local variable root)
just write root=takeInput(…)…

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