[doubt]JRE not bundled in JDK 11

When I am watching this tutorial there is no JRE bundled with JDK 11 software then how to configure to see source code

Hi @Amit1506,
Are you having difficulty in installation or you cannot find the software?
For help, you can watch this video for step by step instructions on how to configure Eclipse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRZZUzqJ7S0
Ping me for any further queries.

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To see source code of particular function we need to configure jre in eclipse and then select that function and press f3 we will see code of that function but in jdk 11 there is no jre bundled then how can i configure with eclipse to see source code?

Hey @Amit1506, I have replied to you on personal chat. Kindly acknowledge and ping me for any further doubts.

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