Dobut regarding negative numbers

at 22:19 bhaiya convert 8 no to -8 but in binary form both are same 1000 how can i know which is postive or negative. please help

Hello @Diwyanshu

2’s complement of 1000 (8) is 1000 (-8)
but 1000 can only represent one of (8, -8)
By default we have chosen 1000 to represent -8
So if we have 4 bits to represent a number and the four bits are 1000 then it is -8
This is the reason why range of int in c++ is -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Left end value is one more than the right end value.

And there is a reason for choosing 1000 to be -8 because in 2’s complement form every negative number (in binary) starts with a 1 and every positive number (in binary) starts with a zero