Diabetes Classification Score

I am not getting the criteria of granting scores here, because my accuracy score calculates much more than the actual leaderboard score. With the submission of same file, i am getting different accuracy scores. First, my accuracy was calculated as 78% and when i submitted the same file again, i got 69% accuracy.

Please, seriously help me this.

hi @geekayd
are you sure u havent change the submission files a little bit
ie both samplesubmissions.csv files were identical

if the problem is resolved plz acknowledge

No sir, I’m afraid they both were same.

send me ur code
are u using some random element making random prediction

dfx = pd.read_csv(“Diabetes_XTrain.csv”)
dfy = pd.read_csv(“Diabetes_YTrain.csv”)
dft = pd.read_csv(“Diabetes_XTest.csv”)
X_train = dfx.iloc[:,]
Y_train = dfy.iloc[:,0].values
X_test = dft.iloc[:,].values
model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors = 13)
model.fit(X_train, Y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
model.score(X_train, Y_train)

hi @geekayd
fom ur code i can see no problem and none there is no problem on our portal
so plz check on your side again
a humble request

What should i check? my output or submitting the file again?
also, If my code has no problem, then why my code has been granted with less than 70% accuracy???