Cover Them All! Logic Help

My Logic:

  1. First i compress the coordinates.
  2. Then when updating i use the fake coordinates i.e compressed coordinates as indexes for the BIT but for performing the calculation of updates i use the original coordinates by extracting original from fakes using the reverse map rm<int,int>.
  3. I store the bomb values using fake indexes. and when calculating i use the fake index to get the bombs;
  4. Also when i update i first check whther at that fake index when converted to original index by reverse map rm, is there actually any soldier present? I yes only then i update the BIT at that fake index.
  5. On querying i just get the sum from 0 to n in BIT.

Is My approach Wrong:?
Plz provide code if possible or just give the logic.

My Code:


check it out , if unable to understand then tell again

Explain your logic, unable to understand the code.

used combinatorics and bit is teeling how many small numbers are there till that time which are inserted , so inserting and calculating together