Class assignment

how come class assignment question is similar to fobonaccai??
could you please explain the logic behind the question and using fibonaccai using it

Hello @Vibhuti0206,

It can be solved in a manner similar to computing Fibonacci sequence.

For n=1 i.e. string of length 1
(First base case)

For n=2 i.e. string of length 2
{aa,ab,ba}=3 //b cannot be together
(second base case)

For n=3

For n=4

so on…
Concluding: fib[n]=fib[n-1]+fib[n-1]

Hope, this would help.
Give a like if you are satisfied.

is there some other solution using recursion?

@S18ML0016 is there some\other solution using recursion?

Hello @tusharnitharwal,

Yes, you can solve this question recursively also.

you can refer to this video Count Binary Strings Hint from your course as it is a similar question but still different.