Circular Linked List - Delete Function

explain what is meaning of main function parameter

In C++ , the main function can be provided with 2 arguments - int argc and char * argv[] .
argv is an array of pointers where each pointer stores the argument value provided while the function is executed.
argc contains the number of such arguments.

Say you create a program to compute the sum of different numbers where the numbers are given as command line argument.
You run it like
./a.out 14 53 234 325 123 656 534 3 -4 -2 -54 43

Here the numbers - 14 53 234 325 123 656 534 3 -4 -2 -54 43 are the command line arguments.
Each of these values is stored into argv in the order they are given i.e.
argv[0] = “14”
argv[1] = “53”
argv[2] = “234”
… and so on

Note that even though we provided integer values , they are stored as character arrays since argv is an array of pointers to char.
Here the total number of arguments is 12.
Hence the value of argc = 12.
Basically argc is the size of the array argv.
You can use these arguments and manipulate them as you wish when you run your code.