Chewbacca and Number

What is the possible error in this program:
Scanner obj = new Scanner(;
long x = obj.nextLong();

		long original = x;
		int inc = 1;
		long rem = 0;
			rem = x%10;
				original = original - (rem * inc);
				original = original + ((9 - rem) * inc);

hi @Ekram… You took long to store the integer while the input constrain is 10^100 … Long can only store number upto range of 10^19 … Please store the number in string and modify your logic

According to the given details:The first line contains a single integer x (1 ≀ x ≀ 10^18)

hi again … actually there might be few cases which can go beyond that value … so it is recommended to try it the string way … if you face a problem there you can send the code after trying …

Scanner obj = new Scanner(; String x = obj.nextLine(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(x); if(s.length()<=Math.pow(10,100)){ char rem = ’ '; for(int i=s.length()-1; i>=0; i–){ rem = s.charAt(i); switch (rem){ case 53: s.setCharAt(i, β€˜4’); break; case 54: s.setCharAt(i, β€˜3’); break; case 55: s.setCharAt(i, β€˜2’); break; case 56: s.setCharAt(i, β€˜1’); break; case 57: s.setCharAt(i, β€˜0’); break; } } System.out.println(s); }

Hi @Ekram,
please save the code to coding blocks ide and send the URL . I cannot read this code.

Sorry for being so late

hi again ,
See your code works fine for all digits except if there is a 9 at the end or zero at the starting …for example the output of 099999 should be 999999 but your code gives 0 . And there are some changes too as you need to use long to store your number as the input rangee is 1<x<10^18 and the limit of int is only 10^7 . so check this code and optimise it for the above test case .

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