Cell Mitosis (Advanced DP Problem) - Hackerblocks

according to video, he said in case of even cell we will not take the path from the next cell
like for eg i=8, we will take path from i=4 and i=7 but not from i=9.
why i didn’t get it, he said that will take more number of operations from other two but how?

We are computing the answer for ith index from a previously computed answer, we don’t have an answer for the next state.
That’s why for i = 8, we don’t have an answer of i = 9. Thus we are getting our answer from the previous already computed state.

no bro you are saying wrong, i know we don’t have next state i=9 answer, but what we can do is double from i=5 => i=10 and decrement 2 times from i=10 => i=9 => i=8

Yes , you are right i am aware of it bro.

Yes please answer it I have the same problem