Can you please tell me , what is logical error in it

public static void subseq(String str, String result) {
if(str.length()==0) {
return ;

	char cc = str.charAt(0);
	String ros = str.substring(1);


Hi Vikash,
you need to put you print statement inside the if(str.length==0) block, not at last. After that you will get the correct answer but the strings won’t be in lexicographical order. So for that, store your answers in a arraylist and then sort the arraylist.

sir i am not able to think of a way to add a arraylist in it , and store the elements in it , please help me

public static void subseq(String str, String result) {
if (str.length() == 0) {

	char cc = str.charAt(0);
	String ros = str.substring(1);
	subseq(ros, result);
	subseq(ros, result + cc);

If you this approach you will get all the subsequences but not in lexicographical order. And for sorting the arraylist check how I have implemented it: