Bubble Sort Recursion Doubt

In CRX-Recursion (Bubble Sort), we are sorting the array from index si to li , then , the base condition should be if(li==si ) and not if(li==0) because li may not go to 0 every time if we start the sorting of array other than the index 0.

Secondly, under the second if condition, bubblesort should be recursively called as bubblesort(arr,si,li-1) and not as bubblesort(arr,0,li-1) due to the above mentioned same reason.

Please explain me.

Hi @yashomar95,
See the concept of bubble sort is to put the largest element at last in first pass through the array … hence after si==li this will indicate that the array has the largest element at the last index … hence we need to recursively solve the array excluding the last index hence solving the remaining li-1 size array . But if li==0 that means all element are in sorted order hence it is our base case … i hope this helps.

When si !=0 , then in that case, li will not go till 0,instead it stops when li becomes equal to si.

then, in the video, we have assumed that li will go to 0 that is why we are returning when li becomes 0 and we are recursively calling bubblesort with si as 0.

li indicates the index where the element reaches it destined place or its correct place. If li =0, then we can return because the 0th index element is the first element and will always be at its correct place

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