Biotonic SubArray

I solved this question but I’m getting an error as one of the test case is not passed so can anyone help?

Hey Sagar,
I tried giving this input to your code and it failed: 4 4 3 2 2 1 10

It will fail because first input is the number of test cases and after that is the size of the arrays Your input has 4 which is the number of test cases and then 4 3 2 2 is the the size of the arrays so the input itself is wrong right?

Yes sagar, you are right that the first no should be treated as no of test cases, but the code link which you have provided does’nt take test case as input. It directly takes n as input. Also in order to avoid any miscommunication, let me know the exact name of the question. I’m referring to the q: “MAXIMUM LENGTH BIOTONIC SUBARRAY”. Is this what you are referring to ?