Consider an undirected graph consisting of ‘n’ nodes where each node is labeled from 1 to n and the edge between any two nodes is always of length 6 . We define node ‘s’ to be the starting position for a BFS.
Given ‘q’ queries in the form of a graph and some starting node, ‘s’ , perform each query by calculating the shortest distance from starting node ‘s’ to all the other nodes in the graph. Then print a single line of n-1 space-separated integers listing node s’s shortest distance to each of the n-1 other nodes (ordered sequentially by node number); if ‘s’ is disconnected from a node, print -1 as the distance to that node.
Input Format:
The first line contains an integer,q , denoting the number of queries. The subsequent lines describe each query in the following format:
Each line contains N and M, the number of nodes and edges respectively.
The next m lines contains u and v means that there is edge between u and v .
The last line contains ‘s’, the starting node.
1 <= q <= 10 2 <= n <= 1000 1 <= m <= (n*(n-1))/2 1 <= u,s,v <= n
Output Format
You have to print n-1 integer denoting the shortest distance from s to all other nodes excluding s itself.
I am not able to develop logic to print the output if you could pls analyse my code or perhaps share yours.