Basic calculator

for 2 cases it is correct for other cases it is shwing run time error , please tell me the error sir

The division operation of your code should throw Runtime Exception. Think of the special case in division.

i have cleared the exception part also , still giving error

Check your code for cases wherein you input wrong operator symbols i.e. symbols like ',:,;!,? i have made all the changes and in my consideration i have taken care of all the cases , if could help me

plss help me sir , i have done all the required change according to me , but still its not paassing

Change this LOC
if (ch != ‘-’ || ch != ‘+’ || ch != ‘/’ || ch != ‘’ || ch != ‘%’)
to this
if (ch != ‘-’ && ch != ‘+’ && ch != ‘/’ && ch != '
’ && ch != ‘%’) {

It should work jus fine. I hope you get the mistake. Also make everything long. n1, n2, as well as z.